Baby Blogs

Condemning Rape Victims

Failure to identify true victims is a big problem. It’s the sort of problem Jesus addressed repeatedly, constantly questioning the self-proclaimed enlightened folks of his day. I’m not embarrassed to say that the Bride of Christ, the New Jerusalem, is looking quite a lot like the Bride of Frankenstein these days. And throughout history. So countless people have condemned it, not knowing a hostage situation when they see one. Which is understandable, disguises are used for a reason. They’re for people who trust their eyes and block all other data-gathering.

But it only takes a slightly open heart and genuine scientific curiosity to probe and question what is really going on. And to detect consistencies in enemy tactics. An early clue that things would go wonky was achieving state sponsorship in 325 AD or so, with the Edict of Milan, legalizing Christianity. Then the Emperor even funding it. Wrong turn, folks. Or accept that some will use some of the company vans to kidnap and abuse, no matter how great the mission statement on the side. Internal policing has always been difficult, but it’s also not that necessary, just keep your eyes open and stop falling for laziness of “trusting” people in tempting situations. Keep an eye on those coaches, teachers, etc., not run off hoping for the best.

Please don’t misunderstand. I still believe Jesus made Peter the Head Janitor, keys and all. But a janitor is not a CEO or any of those type of governmental roles. Bind and loosen was the deal. Fishing. Pointing out the way. Shepherding without abusing. The dragnet is full of the best and worst, you can’t judge the net. Just know that it’s foolish to limit yourself to what the eyes can see, with no turning to poetic and other sources of knowledge, justice, and mercy. Isaiah points out the raping of Jersulem many times, and the coming forth in glorious garments. She is the same person. Learn to recognize her and dodge the distractions. 

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