Stop doing.
Enjoy being.
Answer the call to inaction!
There’s a time to be productive. And a time to sit still and recuperate. To meditate, reflect, enjoy. Too many of us are missing out on life because we’re so focused on doing things, or on self-pity or worry. Even our efforts to relax are often exhausting.
Many of us are also over-involved in the lives of others, trying to solve things for them that they need to figure out and address. Learn to hang back and express confidence in their ability to reflect and find solutions. Let people make mistakes, face consequences, and become more adult.
Consider taking some days off when the kids are NOT on break. Have you ever taken a stay-cation? Experience your life without leaving town, yet disrupting your normal routines!
You might want to check out these apps.
It's really not that macho or impressive to be too busy to stop and recharge. We're often only fooling ourselves; people around us can usually see when we're slipping and need a break.
Maybe it's time to think about talking to someone. This can help you understand and express what's going on inside.
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The items below are samples of products that can be purchased (click to see our Etsy page). We’re adding more each month. We can also discuss bulk orders or minimal costs if you use them for a fundraiser. Thank you for your interest and support!