
Try my first Apps.

DeEscalator App

Use this app to understand and get out of survival mode.

Put it on your phone.

QR Code for De-Escalator 5.0

Refueler App

Learn to stop and process internal chaos and reset your mind, body, emotions, and purpose for the day.

Put it on your phone.

QR Code for Refueler


Curse less by putting cash where your mouth is.

QR Code for Stop Cursing

We're almost at the bottom here.

iSuck App

iStink App

If you're in a very dark place, it's time to bottom out.
And rebuild from there. This app can help you get started on that journey by encountering words and ideas that you can ponder. They may also help you express yourself to a professional. (Not a DA, hopefully.)

Our minds say terrible things to us, and many are not true. But they FEEL true. So carry this in your pocket to help sort things out when they come up.

Put it on your phone.

QR Code for iSuck

Put it on your phone.

QR Code for De-Escalator 5.0

Doctors without Boundaries (RiskAlert!)

Join my effort to understand and deepen the conversation about violations of power and privilege. The "bad apple" theory is just wrong.

•Healthcare •Clergy •Coaches •Law Enforcement •Media •Education •Military •Dock Workers

More to come, friends. Check back with us soon!