Baby Blogs

The ‘Fix Me’ Generation

Passivity seems to be at an all-time high. Blaming others for our problems. Systemic problems. Social justice. Every distraction under the Tuscan Sun. It’s somebody’s else’s job to make my life better, or even worthwhile. 

You parents need to know you’re failures. Teachers too. And law enforcement. Everything is all wrong. And I’m going to kill myself if you don’t start getting it right. According to myself. Who can’t see anything right even when it’s right in front of me. My filters are too powerful.

I think I prefer winos over whineysWe have a lot to learn from 12-step programs, and they’re not just for alcohol anymore. A person only changes when they decide to do so, no matter how small each step might be. It always begins with me. It always begins with recognizing what is in my power or control, and focusing on those things. 

One of the saddest conspiracies of our time has been to think work itself was a punishment for original sin. Maybe payment was the real downfall. In a very interest research study, kids who used to like reading stopped doing so after someone tried paying them for it. Intrinsic pleasure got wiped out by extrinsic reward. 

Effort, achievement, and growing competence seems to be the best kept secret of happy people. Many people in our society are languishing, too put off by the tearing that occurs on the path to muscle and skills. They really are their own worst enemies but keep falling for decoys.

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