“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me..."

–Emma Lazarus, poem at the base of the Statute of Liberty in NY Harbor.

You have been through a lot.
But you are still more capable than you think.

At inCAPABLES! we're here to offer alternatives to the devolving state of healthcare, education, government, media, self-exploitation, and the flawed thinking that is ushering in a new period of disillusionment.

Most net worth in the news is actually gross.
Join our network of low-net-worth individuals.
The unthanked, or thanked by obligation, for your service.
The unnoticed.
Eating disordered.

You have more good to offer than you realize.
Enough with being underestimated,
Regarded as consumers, patients, victims, sinners, predators, addicts.
You won't get sirens when you help.
Nor recognized as a First Responder.
But you CAN be effective.

Society is so crippled by lawyers and check-boxes that many of our paid leaders have become Last Responders.
Society is in trouble.
The rescue isn't coming from the powerful.
Let's speak truth to each other, the powerless.
Right now, where it's really happening.
Get unleashed.
Empowered to help.
CPR for humanity.
Learn it.
Help your people.
No more standing by, watching the shipwrecks.
We'll show you how.
This site is for you.

Who is behind this? [Whom can we sue?]

Fernando Alessandri, PhD

My name is Fernando Alessandri, I have a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Mississippi. My training is second-to-none, with practicum, internship, and post-doc experiences at VA Medical Centers in San Diego (UCSD) and Honolulu. I have worked in crisis mental health in rural Mississippi (inpatient); served at Neighborhood Healthcare in Escondido, California; the Veteran’s Administration Clinic in Frederick, Maryland; The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic in Dallas;  Crossover Health serving employees of companies like Meta/Facebook and Apple; and most recently working with offenders at a maximum security state hospital in NY and at maximum security forensic facility in Southern California. I know way too much about what’s really going on across society and just need to do more.

In launching this educational venture to make bystanders extremely CAPABLE, I am seeking to bring knowledge and wisdom and my own life lessons to a far greater audience that I can reach as an individual therapist. My goal is to educate, train, and cause a ripple effect of an ever-widening circle of people-helping-people. CPR did it for physical health, I want to do the same for the kind of suffering that involves the mind, heart, soul, attentional resources, choice-making, existential questions, and more.

Disclaimer: The services I provide here are not therapy, medicine, or healthcare. They are not governed by a state or national Board. Your benefitting from my education and experience does not establish a patient-doctor relationship. Thank you.


Try my first Apps.

Use this to better know yourself and as a preparation for talking to someone supportive like a therapist.  Stop avoiding, ignoring, suppressing, dodging, etc. your deepest darkest fears.  That only prolongs your suffering.  It may be wiser to dig in deep, do the “root canal,” and start the real recovery.

DeEscalator App

Use this app to understand and get out of anger, self-pity, anxiety, or just plain survival mode.

Refueler App

Learn to stop and process internal chaos and reset your mind, body, emotions, and purpose for the day.

We're almost at the bottom here.

iStink (App)

If you're in a very dark place, it's time to bottom out.
And rebuild from there. This app can help you get started on that journey by encountering words and ideas that you can ponder. They may also help you express yourself to a professional. (Not law enforcement, hopefully.)

Our minds say terrible things to us, and many are not true. But they FEEL true. So carry this in your pocket to help sort things out when they come up.

Put it on your phone.

QR Code for De-Escalator 5.0

Doctors without Boundaries

Join my effort to understand and deepen the conversation about violations of power and privilege. The "bad apple" theory is just wrong. With enough "load" any structure will fail. Behaviors that seem shocking to some seem quite predictable in hindsight.

•Healthcare •Clergy •Coaches •Law Enforcement •Media •Education •Military •Universities •Companies

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Do you see patients?

I am transitioning from being a regionally-licensed healthcare provider to being what I call a Co-Journeyer, Coach, Consultant, and Educator with international reach. My style involves education, entertainment, humor, critical thinking, problem-solving, and more. In this endeavor I do not diagnose, nor treat pathology. This work is not psychotherapy, medicine, or healthcare., nor under the purview of any licensing Board. Please seek those interventions from locally licensed professionals.   

Are you accepting Co-Journeyers, Coaching clients, etc.?

Yes and No. As I try to scale this I am most eager to work in group formats. My experience with trauma and other conditions taught me that isolation and shame around these topics is often part of the problem. And that sharing our struggles with others is not a small factor in the success of programs like Alcoholics Anonymous and their sister-program, I believe people benefit a great deal from small groups of 4-6 peers. This approach normalizes human problems, fosters peer friendships, builds a sense of accountability,  and helps keep coaching affordable. 

Beyond the services on this Site and the classes they link to, how do I request personal or peer services? 

More to come, friends. Check back with us soon!